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Canterbury News with Max Robb

A Tournament with a great welcome - Akaroa Scnic Bridge Tournament, May 5th.

  A bridge tournament in the South Island  with a powhiri is rather unusual! Thanks to Darryl Dowthwaite for reporting on this tournament:

“Every year four ladies come down from the North Island for a long weekend, and this year two of them featured in the places. It is a great tournament and weekend away for any other North Islanders considering visiting the mainland.

 It was an early start. We assembled outside the Marae at 9 am ready for the Powhiri. Those of us less knowledgeable on Maori protocol learnt no shoes were to be worn on the Marae. Some considered the state of their socks!

 We were called at 9.30am into the Meeting House. Shoes were duly removed. According to protocol, the men lined up in the front row to protect the women behind. We were then humbled by the powerful Powhiri that was delivered to us by our two hosts. It was a great welcome.

 Then, shoes on! We proceeded into the hall to play bridge. What a venue awaited us: a beautiful sun-lit room with magnificent harbour views.

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          at play at Akaroa

 The winners on the day were Pam Tibble and Brian Goulter. They set the pace achieving 67% in the first session, an 8% lead.  Carolyn Black and Bridget Hannaway- Willcox came second with two consistent performances and winning the afternoon session.

A contributing hand in the morning session for Pam and Brian was hand 3 where they were the only pair to bid the grand slam.

 The raffles were unique. Gift packs were laced with home- made chutney and local produce. One glitch. We were informed some of the eggs were hard boiled but they didn’t know which.

 A great day for all. For those of us “also rans” we  remember the great hospitality, venue and magnificent views.”

Temuka All Grades

                1st           Jim Burford      and      Neville Newburn

                2nd          Mary Buckland and     Trish Downward

                3rd           Sue Rosevear  and     John Fechney


Rangiora 8B.

The Rangiora Club ran an 8B tournament early in July. Again the room was packed, and their own club was well represented.  An interesting feature was that Craig Shannahan usually directs at these regional tournaments, but this day the job was done ably by John McKenzie, and Craig was trying his hand at playing the cards. By the end of the day ,Craig had decided that he couldn’t be great at two aspects of the game!

                Pam Tibble and Margaret Burgess held their nerve in the second session to head off Mary and Mike Small and Peter Van Leeuwen and Geoff Norris. A new partnership in Pippa Foley and Rosemary Parker acquitted themselves well to come fourth.

Canterbury Regional Swiss Pairs 5A       

1st           David Mikaera and Les Frater          117

2nd          Sarah Garland and Neal Phillips       108

3rd           Kathryn Tennant and Hayden Seal   100

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The winners, Les Frater and Dave               Second placed Sarah Garland and Neal
Mikaera, a very experienced partnership.     Philliips would be well pleased with their
                                                                      second successful outing of the year.
Regional President, Laura Stephen, is photographed with both pairs.

For their first time together, Kathryn Tennant and Hayden Seal  would be very pleased with their performance on the day - well done. Two further awards went to the best pair with under 400 and 100 combined rating points:

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Mary and Mike Small, top pair with a              Darryl Dowthwaite and Ian Beattie, with a
combined under 400 rating.                            combined under 100 rating.

These four are at every tournament in the Canterbury Region, and we have got used to seeing their names in print.

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