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A Lighter Look


You may have observed that the team of Grant Jarvis, Ken and Kathy Yule and Jan Alabaster won the South Island Teams in Christchurch over the last weekend. Naturally, we wanted to report on some of their finer moments.

So, I asked Grant by email and got a very helpful and quick response. “Look at Board 7 in Match 10” was the reply with further details. “Great” I thought but then came the realisation that the format was 8 by 14 board matches.

Grant did admit he did not catch a plane out of Christchurch until 10.30pm on the Sunday evening. Everyone else finished play around 3.30pm. Obviously, during the 6-7 hours in between, Grant’s team were playing two extra matches…and scoring very well from them too!

Now, you know how to win the South Island Teams….extra matches!

matches.png                                        Grant Jarvis.jpg

Lots of them!                                               well played, Grant.

Richard Solomon


Grant and Jan play reverse signals. If you want to read about Match 7 Board 10, it will be covered very soon on this website. It’s well worth a read.


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