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Welcome back, Greymouth

Greymouth Bridge Club used to be affiliated to New Zealand. Times have changed and the club has chosen to rejoin the Association.

Read on, hear about Greymouth......and do what another small West Coast has achieved.

Ray Curnow, who is the Top of the South Bridgemate, has a regular weekly Bridge slot on Coast FM and was recently interviewed about the reaffiliation of Greymouth. Have a listen to the attached and hear the good news about a growing club, not just the club itself but also bridge on the West Coast. Several members from the other non-affiliated West Coast club (Hokitika) play at the Greymouth Club too.

It will be great to see more inter-club competition involving Greymouth, Hokitika and the well established and affiliated Westport clubs.

Have a listen…and maybe some of the points raised may apply to a non-affiliated club or group near you. We believe affiliation is a big benefit for clubs both big and small.

Community Radio Broadcasting

Westport can... how about at your club?

Could some members at your club broadcast regularly on local community radio?  Could this be a project you help your club with in 2018?  Westport have 35 members and manage a weekly broadcast to raise the profile of the sport in their community.  Could you get a team together from your club and take up the challenge?

Richard Solomon

Try this link below to hear about Greymouth and what the Westport Club has achieved.





  1. mp3 Greymouth Bridge_20.01.2018A.mp3 (7.87MB)

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