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Northland News with Tania Brown

Greetings from the Winterless North. I hope this finds everyone safe and well after the Christmas break and ready to get into it again this year.

December saw the Annual Northland 2017 prize giving with congratulations going to:

Top Open Player

Bill Humphrey


Top Intermediate Player

Ian Johnson


Top Junior Player

Brian Cliffin


Top Open Team



Top Intermediate Team



Top Junior Team



Dargaville team 17.jpg      Whangarei Juniors.jpg 

Dargaville's Intermediate winning team:
Gerry Varney,  Pam Rope, John Nielsen and Peter Ball

  Whangarei's winning  Junor team:
Kim Thomas, Lyn Nelson and Elizabeth and  John Parker

The Northland Prize winners for 2017 were announced after the final Northland Pairs event held on the 18th November and Bill Humphrey
and his partner Paul Carson Weymouth romped home in this event with a whopping 71.27% in the morning and 69.42% in the afternoon                              

Selwyn Hargreaves.jpg         Len and Olive Dent 17.jpg 

Kerikeri sponsor, Ian Derrick with
Selwyn Hargreaves and Richard Simmons 
top Junior pair on both days at Kerikeri

  "Colours of the Rainbow", Len and Olive Dent
Kim Thomas, Lyn Nelson and Elizabeth and  John Parker

The theme for the Whangarei Christmas Party was “Colours of the Rainbow”. Above we see Olive, our amazing director, who directs most of the events held in Northland, and her husband Len. Len also wore this as his “good luck” charm for the Babich Pairs and while it didn’t bring the luck he wanted, it certainly lightened the evening.

January 6th and 7th saw  Kerikeri host a two day event sponsored by Craigs Investment Partners. We were thrilled to see so many attend from all over the country. The eventual winners for the Bay Of Islands Swiss Pairs on the Saturday were Moss Wylie and  Kevin Skoropada who travelled all the way from Invercargill  to join us. It was fantastic seeing them and so many tables at this event.

Alison Beer Marie Milsum.jpg      thames lady and Ed Rog.jpg      moss at Kerikeri.jpg 

Marie Milsum and Alison Beer    Jena Robinson and Ed Roggeveen The real long distance travellers from the Deep South
                                                                                                          Moss Wylie and Kevin Skoropada with Ian Derrick
                                                                                                        representing Craig Investments, the very generous sponsor.

 Sunday’s winners of the Bay Of Isands' Holiday Pairs were Alison Beer and  Marie Milsum (they were also runners-up in the Swiss Pairs), who rounded off the day with another 71.27%, a popular score in Northland!. They too were from outside of the area (Hibiscus and Rotorua)  and it was an absolute pleasure seeing so many faces, both new and old, at this event. Moss and Kevin managed a second and ended a pretty successful weekend for them here in Northland. Third in the Sunday Pairs were Thames' Jena Robinson and Ed Roggeveen from Picton.

Majors over Minors

Finally a board from the Sunday event.

Board 25
North Deals
E-W Vul
A 9
A K 2
A Q J 10 9 8 4
K J 8 7 6
9 8 7 3
Q 5
K 6
W   E
Q 10 4
10 5
10 9 8 7 6 4
3 2
5 3 2
A K Q J 4 2
J 3
7 5


My partner opened the North hand with a game force 2Club-small and because of our point count system relay I replied 2NT (showing 10+ points). Great excitement as partner asked for aces and kings before signing off in 6Club-small.

My dilemma- Bid 6Heart-small as my hearts are so good. Bid 7Club-small as she doesn’t even know I have 2 of them and my hearts which she could use for discards. (if an ace had been missing, it would be rather too late discarding if the ace was cashed at trick 1!). But then what if she had no hearts and couldn’t get over to play them? I chose to bid 6Heart-small. (correct if partner has no hearts and certainly correct if she has some...and scores better when the contract seems a good choice!). Majors over minors!


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