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Schools' Bridge Pairs


Sunday 18th June saw 22 students from Macleans College and Auckland Grammar School take part in a one session Pairs competition at the Auckland Bridge Club. The speed was, shall we say, “relaxed” meaning that the Howell movement of 22 boards was not quite completed in time. After all, the pizzas had to be eaten hot!

Honours on the day went to Macleans students led by Yiwei Qi and Eddy Tan who were on fire, scoring 75% while Kevin Hu and Georgia Wang finished second with 62.04%.

Macleans Yi wei QI Eddy Tan.jpg                                 Macleans Kevin Hu Georgia Wang.jpg               Macleans Daniel Ahn Darsh Chaudhari.jpg

on fire: Yiwei Qi and Eddy Tan                                   Georgia Wang and Kevin Hu           4th placed Daniel Ahn and Darsh


Auckland tournament players may have seen Georgia caddying at recent Congresses at the Auckland Bridge Club. It looks like she picked up a few good tips while she was there.

Georgia and Kevin did well to bid this 28 hcp slam, got doubled for their trouble but Georgia played it carefully for the loss of just a diamond trick to score a clear top:

North Deals
None Vul
A 10 7 6
K Q 10 8 5
Q 5
A 10
9 8 3 2
K J 9 4
J 9 7 3
W   E
K J 5 4
10 3 2
Q 8 6 4 2
A 9 7 6 4 3
A 8 7 6
K 5


While South might respond 2Diamond-small and receive a value showing 2Spade-small response from North, a simple ace ask following the 1Heart-small opener from North would drive the partnership to slam. West may have doubled asking partner to lead South's first bid suit, diamonds, though, otherwise, the defence seemed to have little reason to double.

The top scores of the day were:

Yiwei Qi

Eddy Tan


Kevin Hu

Georgia Wang


Vincent He

Zachery Yan


Daniel Ahn

Darsh Chaudhari


Sheryl Luo

Tim Pan


Vivian Chen

Emily Yang



 Macleans 17 Schools Pairs .jpg

  concentration all round during the competition.

The National Youth Bridge Weekend takes place at the same venue on 18th-20th August while the Auckland – Northland Schools Teams competition is at the Howick Bridge Club on September 9th…and New Zealand Youth Teams at the Distinction Hotel, Hamilton on September 29th.

A special thanks to Tony Morcom for directing and scoring the Pairs event and to Lance Bowden for his continued support of schools’ bridge.

Richard Solomon


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