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I thought it would be good to introduce myself as the new Chair of the NZ Bridge Foundation. Jonathan Westoby and Denis McKinlay are the other trustees although we are in the process of adding some more. The NZ Bridge Foundation was set up as a charity a few years ago by the NZCBA to help encourage youth and younger players into the game and support their development including international aspirations. Our other priority is to encourage the development of the game at a local level by clubs. The strength of any sport or recreational pastime relies upon both things to enable the long term sustainability and vibrancy of bridge. www.nzbridge.co.nz/nz-bridge-foundation
In the recent past we have sponsored two youth teams to Canberra long with help for bridge teaching in Christchurch and a youth weekend in Auckland. We have also made grants to the Motueka Bridge Club and to the Wellington Bridge Club for pilot of innovative software to improve the digital experience for club players.
As you might imagine, we have a small amount of money built up over the years to respond to applications for support but certainly we are not able to fund the normal operational requirements of clubs and bridge players. Our principal annual fund raiser is the national online event – Lovelock Wines NZ Wide Pairs, ably overseen by the ever hard working Richard Solomon. In addition to this, we receive some interest from our investments. We’d love to receive any donations or bequests as well and given we are all volunteers and there are no overhead costs, you can be assured everything received goes to the worthy recipients of our grants.
We have set up a give a little page where we welcome any donations click here to access the page: https://givealittle.co.nz/org/nz-bridge-foundation
For bequests or larger donations can be discussed with the Chair (Email Dwayne.crombie@icloud.com)
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