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Daily Bridge in New Zealand
Day 5 in Buenos Aires
Our Open team had a small loss to USA, a big win over Guadeloupe and an equally bad loss to Sweden which leaves them nearly 16 vps behind 8th placed Romania. Their remaining opponents are South Africa who are a fraction of a vp ahead of NZ and lowly placed Hong Kong China.
Our Women had only one win but their losses were small and they have moved up a place and more importantly are 20vps above the 17th placed team. Their remaining 3 matches are against Germany, Italy and USA, 3 teams above them in the ladder.
The Mixed Team finished the day 14th after 2 wins and 3 losses and have a 7vp buffer over 17th. As well as a bye, they finish up with matches against England, Ireland and bottom of the table Morocco.
The Seniors lie 15 vps behind 16th place and have a profitable bye (they were to play Chile and will score well from the bye) and matches against Columbia and Morocco to come.
Open |
NZ vp |
position |
Mixed |
NZ vp |
position |
Opening position |
11th |
13th |
22-28 |
8.24 |
China |
6.-35 |
2.32 |
Guadeloupe |
39-4 |
17.45 |
Israel |
17-26 |
6.86 |
Sweden |
12.-47 |
2.55 |
Columbia |
28.-4 |
16.78 |
HK China |
26-41 |
5.20 |
Norway |
23.-12 |
13.72 |
Closing Position |
12th |
14th |
Women |
15th |
Seniors |
21st |
Norway |
17-19 |
10.71 |
Italy |
18.-2 |
14.70 |
Brazil |
28-34 |
12.01 |
bye |
12.00 |
Poland |
23-23 |
10.00 |
Turkey |
32-47 |
5.54 |
Australia |
22-13 |
7.10 |
Canada |
23-27 |
8.62 |
Closing Position |
14th |
20th |
Here is a lead situation featuring Barry Jones from the Mixed Team:
West |
North |
East |
South |
Jenny Millington |
Barry Jones |
Pass |
Pass |
1 ♣ |
Pass |
1 |
Pass |
3 |
All pass |
The bidding is natural. What is your choice?
What to lead as South? Jx of trumps didn’t look great or a club from xxx with dummy likely having good clubs. So, Barry tried the 5 ,yes, underleading his ace!
Board 10 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Jenny Millington |
Barry Jones |
Pass |
Pass |
1 ♣ |
Pass |
1 |
Pass |
3 |
All pass |
Unsurprisingly, declarer played low and Jenny won the Q and switched to the
K with Barry discouraging. So back came a spade to the ace.
Declarer then proceeded to get the hearts wrong by playing A and ducking the second round to Barry’s hoped for doubleton king: but not this time.
J scored and with the
K still to come that was 1 down against 2
making 4 in the other room in the match against Argentina, a 7 IMP gain on the way to a 51-22 Kiwi win.
Have you ever heard Barry say on Bridge Zone "don't underlead an ace against a suit contract at trick 1. "Do as I say not as I do!"
Where there's no hope, find some!
Board 32 |
West |
North |
East |
South |
Michael Whibley |
Matt Brown |
Pass |
1 NT |
Pass |
2 ♣ |
Pass |
2 |
Pass |
3 |
Pass |
4 |
All pass |
Most of the field went down in this 4 game. However, watch Michael Whibley at work.
The lead was J to
K and his ace.
Michael returned a spade knowing he needed lots of help from the defence on this board. Surely 4 has no play.
West returned a heart, surely not from the king. So, Michael played A and another heart. East won and exited their remaining heart Michael won in dummy to play
2. West played
K, which was an error. But worse to come.
Michael won the A, back to dummy with a trump and another club and West played......
Q, and the roof caved in for the defence,
J crashed under the
Q, 10 tricks!
Let’s hope for more such effective declarer play from the Kiwis on the final day of qualifying.
Richard Solomon
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