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Welcome to the new New Zealand Bridge website. We hope it will retain the best of its predecessor but in other aspects will be a big improvement. Technology is fast changing. We aim to keep New Zealand Bridge abreast of the latest changes.

I want to highlight here the bridge stories and articles which will appear on the website. Such material used to appear in the New Zealand Bridge Magazine/ e Magazine.

Board Member

Richard Solomon


As well as news from New Zealand Bridge, the Board and Regions, there will be articles of interest for all grades of bridge players, whether you are an Open tournament player, maybe play at Intermediate or Junior level, or play just at a club or maybe even at home. There will be articles about our tournaments, about how to improve your game, humorous stories about what is happening in our bridge world, personal interest stories and much more. Some stories will appear on Facebook.

All this information will be easily available to you whether you are looking on-line from a home computer, a laptop, an i-pad or your mobile phone. The news and stories will be up-to-date. Read on-line or if you prefer, download and then print out.

We aim to have special interest sections for say directors, young players and bridge teachers.

My role will be to compile and present this material. I hope you will enjoy reading it.

You may have noticed an article posted a few days ago on the Thames Congress. The next will be the start of a series on playing the cards, aimed at Open/ Intermediate players. Articles for Juniors, news from the regions will follow.

I hope you enjoy the material. I welcome any comments/ suggestions you may have.


Richard Solomon, New Zealand Bridge.


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