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Playing and Defending - for Those new to the Game

by Richard Solomon


A neat song and a title so true of our wonderful game. If you can play a bit now, remember back to those oh so confusing days when you started. The play of the following hand really happened. I know. I watched it from the dummy seat. (In case you know my regular partner(s), he/they are not guilty! This occurred in a very social game with a first time partner!)




Dealer South

♠ A1083


Vul. E/W

♥ K96



♦ Q6543





♠ K4


♠ Q5

♥ A42


♥ J1085



♦ 1072

♣ AJ10964


♣ 8532


♠ J9762



♥ Q73



♦ AK8



♣ KQ




West              North                        East                South


2♣                   4♠                              All Pass

Although North has only 9 high card points, the singleton club makes it well worth a jump straight to game after West’s overcall. West led the ♦ J won by South’s ace. South led the ♠ J to the king and ace and exited a second spade to East’s queen. East played a club to the queen and ace with West exiting a second diamond to the king.

All was well so far and even when declarer played a third diamond to the queen. Declarer played a fourth diamond..and even though both defenders had already discarded to this suit, ruffed the high diamond in hand. Next came the ♦ K and a discard from dummy…the apparently useless unwanted unloved little ♦ 6. The contract could no longer be made but South ensured this was so by exiting the ♥ Q to West’s ace. Down one…losing a trump, a club and two hearts. “My fault, partner. I overbid with my 9 count.” undecided

Next time your partner misses a difficult play to make a contract, remember how hard it all is when we start to play…and how good a few encouraging words can be at the right time. It is unlikely South will ever win national titles but she loves the game as much as I do.


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