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Running Diamonds

Two successive deals on a recent Monday night had a certain theme connecting them. On both of them, the opening lead was a diamond and in both cases, dummy had a five card diamond suit. This was the first:

Dealer North                       North

Vul. All                                      ♠ 953

                                                ♥ A85

                                                ♦ A9763

                                                ♣ 96

                        West                                      East

                        ♠ Q74                                    ♠ J1082

                        ♥ 762                                     ♥ J94

                        ♦ QJ542                                 ♦ 10

                        ♣ 82                                      ♣ KQ1073


                                                ♠ AK6

                                                ♥ KQ103

                                                ♦ K8

                                                ♣ AJ54

As South, I opened 2NT and was raised to 3NT by my partner. West decided to lead their fourth highest diamond. Against that bidding, I would have been more inclined to lead a passive heart though a spade would have been a great lead that day. I played low at trick one, won the ¨K and played my 8. West erred by playing the jack but warned to be wary by that initial lead, I would have covered with ¨9 had West played low, to give me 3 tricks in that suit. At the table, I could force out the ¨Q and “run the diamonds” to make 11 comfortable tricks without even having to play clubs.

This is what happened on the second deal. You are East and this is what you see after South opened a weak 1NT, North transferred to hearts with 2♥ by South being the final contract.

                                    North (dummy)

                                     ♠ K

                                    ♥ KQ1054

                                    ♦ 65432

                                    ♣ J5

                                                                         East (you)

                                                                         ♠ AJ75

                                                                        ♥ 92

                                                                        ♦ AQ

                                                                        ♣ 108763

West led the ¨9 and another 5 card diamond suit hit the table. It was not quite as powerful as the previous one. “Bet you’re not running that suit” quipped West as dummy was exposed. What then do you play after you won trick one with your ace, South playing ¨10?

At the table, East cashed their ªA and switched to clubs with West taking the AK before exiting a trump. I won and claimed saying “drawing trumps and running the diamonds!” Alas for East, these were the four hands:

Dealer South           North

Vul. Nil                          ♠ K

                                    ♥ KQ1054

                                    ♦ 65432

                                    ♣ J5

West                                                              East

♠ 98432                                                       ♠ AJ75

♥ 763                                                           ♥ 92

♦ 9                                                                 ♦ AQ

♣ AK94                                                         ♣ 108763


                                    ♠ Q106

                                    ♥ AJ8

                                    ♦ KJ1087

                                    ♣ Q2

Well, does East not want a diamond ruff if for instance West has the ♥A? Not so here but you can give partner a ruff instead!

A final note for East. Passing out 2♥ was not great bridge. East knew that their partner had some points from the opposition staying in 2♥. Either double or if you cannot bear the thought of your partner bidding 3♦, then bid 2♠ yourself. Nothing too bad can happen and this time 9 tricks in that suit would be easy. “Drawing trumps (well, with a couple of losers!) and “running clubs”!

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