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Daily Bridge in New Zealand

Difficult decision.

A Feisty Opponent.

Opponents are allowed to make a nuisance of themselves in the bidding but when one’s own side contracts to play 3NT, they should defend! Such a wish might have been going through North’s mind in a recent competition when their opponent kept on bidding despite adverse vulnerability. What is going on? (East-West vulnerable)


8 6 3


A J 8 3


A K J 9 7 2








3 Diamond-small

3 NT



4 Diamond-small






The bidding is all natural with 3Diamond-small being pre-emptive. Despite being vulnerable, East was not content to pass their opponent’s 3NT call and bid more diamonds.

Then, having bid 3NT, your partner passes the decision around to you.

One member of our Panel is unsure and will just sit it out:

Wayne Burrows “Pass: I hope partner's pass was not forcing. I would expect that if it was then I would know about it. I certainly don't play that way. Partner should not be too light for 3NT after they pre-empt but can be stretching a little. I have nothing remarkable for my 2Club-small overcall and partner did not show a great fit by raising nor a great defensive hand with double. I do not know that my clubs are cashing and the 4Diamond-small bid at unfavourable suggests they will not be. So I don't know where to go and I don't know we are beating 4Diamond-small which sounds like a pass to me.”

I do expect to be cashing our club tricks without loss in no-trumps. Also, I have seen far worse overcalls than ours. Most of the Panel are not sitting this one out, with the popular choice being:

Michael Ware “4Heart-small: Partner not doubling 4Diamond-small is a surprise. Now I bid 4Diamond-small - "unanimous surely".”

A better prediction than normally is associated with Michael’s stock comment.

Anthony Ker “4Heart-small:  I expect to play in 5Club-small but offer an alternative en route just in case partner has hearts also. No double suggests only one diamond stop so I doubt we will get rich defending 4Diamond-small. My partner should realise I only have four hearts as otherwise I would bid 2NT directly over the opening 1Diamond-small bid to show 5/5 lowest two unbid suits.”

Certainly 4Heart-small would be four-carded. It looks like Anthony agrees that our partner has club support. Michael likes his hand.

Michael Cornell “4Heart-smallNatural and a decent hand.

Partner’s 3NT may well be based on a club fit and just 1 diamond stop- he has not doubled 4Diamond-small. If partner is good for his bid, slam is possible especially if we have a heart fit. All that means is that our hand is much stronger than it might have been and that partner’s 3NT bid at Pairs is also pretty decent.

Slam prospects are probably pretty good.  4NT from partner now would be to play and 4Spade-small must be a cue.”

However, some by-pass the heart suit.

Andy Braithwaite “5Club-small: Odd that partner did not double especially at this vulnerability so must suggest some club fit- so 5Club-small from me.”

Leon Meier “5Club-small: Unclear whether partner’s pass will be forcing here. I imagine most people would say yes but when the opponents are unfavourable and partner bid 3NT somewhat under pressure I don't think it would be forcing. That being said given partner doesn't have a clear penalty double, I think we have enough to try 5Club-small. Partner may have as little as Heart-smallK Diamond-smallKJ and Spade-smallA and we have play with that wastage, and it is entirely possible they make 4Diamond-small too so 5Club-small may be positive against that even if it goes down.”

Bruce Anderson “5Club-small: I am not bidding 4Heart-small as partner, with what seems to be an opening hand, would have made a negative double with a four card major. (yet, see Bruce's final comment.) Partner should have at least a partial club fit and obviously will have a diamond stop for the 3NT. But even that contract may well have been problematical. It is likely we have only one diamond stop as with strength in diamonds, partner may well have doubled 4Diamond-small, which must be for penalties.

 5Club-small is not guaranteed but 4Diamond-small could be a make on a 6/4 fit if partner's spade honours sit badly. Nonetheless, I am bidding on hoping we will not be doubled if we are going light. And who knows East may bid again to his/her cost.”

If we are bidding on to 5Club-small, I do not really follow why we cannot try for 10 tricks in no-trumps. Bruce talks about partner’s spade and diamond holds. Perhaps a heart finesse would give us 10 tricks?

Bruce did add:

South could have 4 hearts and did not want to make a negative double over 3Diamond-small as if North could only bid 4Club-small in response, we are past 3NT which may be the only game that makes”

though stuck with 5Club-small as his call.

We did state to the Panel that the game was Pairs and that is reflected in these answers:

Nigel Kearney “ Double: The first issue is whether we are in a force. I may be in a minority, but for me, a bid that forces us to game creates a force. However, just taking a stab at game in a competitive auction does not. We can defend 4Diamond-small undoubled even after partner's 3NT. That means, when partner passes, it is not particularly encouraging and is just a hand that cannot be sure of defeating 4Diamond-small

Maybe partner has something like Spade-smallAJxx Heart-small10xxDiamond-smallKxx Club-smallQxx. Bear in mind that I do not overcall at the two level on bad hands, which means my partner can respond more aggressively and may not have a lot to try 3NT here. I expect 4NT or 5Club-small by us to be too high and they usually won't make 4Diamond-small either. Since I don't expect a good matchpoint score for 4Diamond-small undoubled making, and a number of pairs might get 130 in clubs, I think that risking -710 to try to get 200 instead of 100 is worthwhile.”

Stephen Blackstock “4Heart-small: This is close, and depends a lot on what is known about the opponents. Strong players will not be offering +500 at Pairs, and are either sure our game is making or think they have a chance in 4Diamond-smallx. Against opponents known to be only moderate, double on sight! 

The problem is that 3NT our way might be straightforward, and other tables will not press on to 4Diamond-small vulnerable. If that is so we may need to press a little to save the board. If 3NT is our only making game, we will likely have a poor result regardless as it does not seem that getting to game will elude many.

I am marked with four hearts only (no 2-suited overcall, and sitting 3NT), so will play in hearts only opposite genuine support. Otherwise, perhaps we have play for 4NT or 5Club-small. However I don't criticise those who double and hope +200 (if it exists) will beat some tables playing a part-score. 

So much of what Stephen says relates to the actual situation as you will soon see.

Peter Newell “4Heart-small: if partner cannot double and they are vul and I have a void seems likely they have a big fit 10 cards and some shape - so clearly I am going to bid as we must have a good fit, though of course suits are not likely to be breaking well. I'll bid 4Heart-small, by reversing into a major (and not bidding over 3NT which I would with say 5/6 shape) this should be a 4/6 hand likely, with 4/7 I would bid 5Club-small.  I expect partner to correct 4Heart-small to 4NT or 5Club-small if they do not hold 4 card heart support either of which I'll pass. It is true that even in a 4/4 heart fit it may be better to play in 4NT  or 5Club-small but I'll leave that to partner who with 4 bad hearts may rip 4Heart-small

In conclusion, it seems most agree a double of 4Diamond-small by either partner would be for penalties. 4Heart-small may be an option but partner may not stay there without 4 hearts. Most regard South’s pass as forcing with the vote seemingly split between 4Heart-small and 5Club-small.

I am surprised 4NT did not even register. That was the bid North chose at the table and West led the fourth highest of their longest….and alas for the declarer strongest!

West Deals
E-W Vul

8 6 3


A J 8 3


A K J 9 7 2



K 7 5 2


10 7 6 5









7 5 2


9 4


K J 9 8 4 3 2



10 9 4


Q 10 6



Q 10 8 6 3








3 Diamond-small

3 NT



4 Diamond-small



4 NT

All pass


4NT met a quick and sad death whereas although both doomed, 4Heart-small and 5Club-small (both by North) would make unless East found a spade lead. It is easy to see how 5Club-small fails but 4 rounds of spades forces the declarer to ruff in the South hand….and the trump finesse can only be taken twice.

East was correct that 3NT was making. 4Diamond-small would be a guaranteed two down only on an impossible low club lead from North, followed by a heart switch. Otherwise, a heart loser can be discarded on the 4th round of spades as South ruffs.

East gave their opponents losing options and profited from doing so.

Richard Solomon

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