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Matariki Fundraiser

 An online Swiss Pairs fundraiser is being run on the Matariki Holiday (Friday 28th June).   Attached is the poster with more information.


pdf Matariki Fundraiser (9.23MB)


Funds raised for this event will go towards supporting the NZ International team's effort at the World Bridge Federation championships in Argentina in October.


Sending a team of 27 to the world championships is a costly exercise.  The players selected self-fund a significant portion towards the cost of representing NZ - we felt that it is a great opportunity for the whole country to get behind our "Bridge Blacks".


We are delighted to receive Loveblock Wine sponsorship who will donate wine packs to winners of the 4 categories, as well as one lucky person will win a spot prize for free entry into 2024 Congress (non transferrable courtesy of New Zealand Bridge).


Let's all get behind the Bridge Blacks and enjoy a day of bridge from the comfort of your home.    Register on the nzbridge tournament page.

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