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Our Board and Officers

Allan Morris
Allan Morris.jpg
John Skipper
John Skipper.jpg
Board Member
Anne Barrowclough
Anne Barrowclough.jpg
Board Member
Sue Brown
Sue Brown.jpg
Board Member
Sam Coutts
Sam Coutts.jpg
Board Member
Anna Kalma
Anna Kalma.jpg
Board Member
Kate Terry
Kate Terry.jpg
Board Member
Alister Stuck
Alister Stuck.jpg
National Secretary
Murray Wiggins
Murray Wiggins.jpg
Chief Director
Mel Auld
Mel Auld.jpg
Marketing and Communications Manager
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About NZ Bridge

New Zealand Bridge has around 12,500 registered Bridge players who belong to 110 affiliated clubs from Kerikeri in Northland down to Invercargill in the South. Plus many others who play socially. The game is truly international with millions of registered Bridge players all over the globe.  

NZ Bridge (NZB) provides resources for players of all levels, organises national tournaments, and maintains player rankings. NZB also promotes the game and offers educational and promotional materials and support for clubs across the country, fostering a vibrant and inclusive bridge community.


Whether you’re a seasoned player or a beginner, NZB is dedicated to enhancing your bridge experience.


A vibrant, prosperous, appealing sport for New Zealanders.

Mission Statement

To raise the profile of Bridge, improve player engagement and participation, and maintain standards of the game throughout New Zealand.


The New Zealand Contract Bridge Association was formed in 1936 and is now known as New Zealand Bridge - the official body for the game of bridge in New Zealand. It is a member of the South Pacific Zone of the World Bridge Federation.

To foster, promote and conserve, without intention of pecuniary gain, the game of Contract Bridge and the participation of Players in New Zealand through membership of Affiliated Clubs.

Promote Bridge

To select and control Players, partnerships and Teams to represent New Zealand and to regulate and conduct any trials for such purpose, and to appoint Coaches, non-playing captains and chefs de mission for any international events or matches.

Select Teams

To arrange matches or contests in New Zealand or overseas between Teams representing New Zealand and those representing other countries or states.

Arrange Matches

To do all such other things as in the opinion of the Board may be incidental or conducive to the attainment of any of the foregoing objects including requiring any Affiliated Club to alter its constitution so as to comply with these objects or these Rules.

Support Activities

To organise and promote the tournament schedule, both in-person and online.

Tournament Schedule

To institute, control and conduct a scheme for the award of Master Points to Players and to keep and maintain a record of such awards and/or the rankings and ratings obtained by individual Players arising from such awards or as a result of other achievements arising from participation in the game.

Master Points

To arrange, control and secure the conduct of a National Bridge Congress to be held annually in New Zealand and any competitions or matches to be carried on in conjunction with such event.

National Congress

To conduct courses and examinations to qualify Directors and other Officials to conduct bridge sessions and events.

Train Directors

To print, publish and/or distribute under licence the Rules and Laws to govern all forms of Contract Bridge, including Tournament, Duplicate and Rubber games.

Publish Rules

To promote, support or produce development and educational programmes, lessons, material, publications or other aids designed to teach persons to play and/or to encourage participation in the game of Contract Bridge and/or to raise the skill levels and abilities of Players who are members of Affiliated Clubs or who have been selected for or are eligible for any event, competition, Tournament or match.

Educational Programs

To apply for, affiliate with or become a member of any other society, association or organisation for any purpose consistent with the advancement of these objects, or that is involved with the promotion, administration and regulation of Contract Bridge outside New Zealand, including the World Bridge Federation.

International Affiliations

To manage, control, administer and be responsible for the regulation of Contract Bridge in New Zealand.To institute, control, conduct, license or approve Tournaments or matches, and to adopt, formulate, interpret and enforce rules for the conduct of such Tournaments or matches and to aid by advice or other means organisations and Clubs conducting local or sectional Tournaments or matches.

Regulate Bridge

To constitute an authoritative organisation for the final determination in New Zealand of all questions and matters that may arise in the play of the game of Contract Bridge, and to interpret the Rules and Laws and to serve as the arbiter of controversies on all matters directly or indirectly pertaining to or arising from the game, including all matters relating to discipline and/or complaints regarding play or the conduct or behaviour of Players or Officials.

Arbitrate Rules

To solicit and enter into sponsorships or discount arrangements or other relationships with groups, companies or other entities for the benefit of NZ Bridge, Affiliated Clubs, Players and/or any other party.


To promote the observance of appropriate ethical principles by all persons participating in the play of the game.

Ethical Principles

NZ Bridge Objectives

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New Zealand Bridge Incorporated Constitution

At NZ Bridge, we are committed to fostering a vibrant and inclusive community for all Bridge enthusiasts. Our Constitution outlines the principles and guidelines that govern our organizasion, ensuring transparency, fairness, and the promotion of the game across New Zealand.

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Roles and Committees of the Board

Allocation of board portfolios and committee memberships from 12 March 2024.

Regional Committee memberships updated 9 February 2025.

Administration and Secretarial including Zone 7, WBF, ABF, Foundation, manual

Chair: Alister Stuck

Member: Allan Morris

Bridge Appeal Tribunal Standing  Panel

Members: Ron Klinger, Mary-Ellen Newton, Richard Grenside, & Alan Dormer

Conduct, Discipline  and Disputes

Chair: Roger Bell

Members: Graham Stout, Bryan Northcott, Christine Gibbons, & Christine Wilson

Congress and Major Events

Chair: Bridget Hannaway

Members: Anna Kalma, Murray Wiggins, Sue Brown, Jenna Gibbons, Teri Logie, Allan Morris, and Alister Stuck

Directors including education, scorers, recorders

Chair: Murray Wiggins

Members: Caroline Wiggins

Finance and Treasury

Chair: Sue Brown

Member: John Skipper

Governance, Risk, and Insurance, including changes to the Incorporated Societies Act, Health and Safety, Constitution, Club Toolkit

Chair: Anne Barrowclough

Member: John Skipper

Handicapping and Grading

Chair: Sam Coutts

Members: Murray Wiggins, Daniel Skipper

International - Open, Women, Mixed, and Senior

Chair: Committee to nominate

Members: Jonathan Westoby, Martin Reid, Jan Alabaster, Nigel Kearney, Kris Wooles, Sam Coutts,


Chair: Mel Auld

Member: Anna Kalma

Masterpoints - future, participation, cost

Chair: Alister Stuck

Online and Surveys

Chair: Kate Terry

Members: John Skipper, Murray Wiggins

Regulations and Complaints

Chair: Matthew McManus

Members: Murray Wiggins, Caroline Wiggins, another national director/senior player

Relationships - Clubs, Regions, Players, newsletters, communications, articles

Chair: Alister Stuck

Members: Mel, Allan

Staffing - performance, remuneration, personal development

Chair: Allan Morris


Chair: Allan Morris

Members: Board members

Teaching and Learning

Chair: Kate Terry (Acting)

Members: Kate Terry, Shirley Newton, Sonya Adams, Phil Noye, Mary Christensen


Chair: Kate Terry

Members: Rona Driscoll


Chair: Mel Auld

Members: Alister Stuck, Sam Coutts

Youth - International and Domestic

Chair: Sam Coutts

Member: Anna Kalma

Regional Committees


Chair: Jane Stearns

Members: Tania Brown, Hamish Brown (Secretary), Jan Cormack & Mary Chamberlain


Chair: Alan Dick

Members: Greg Davenport, Hugh McAlister, Kevin Whyte, Nick Saunders & Gillian Corbett (Secretary)

Central Districts

Chair: Julie Bunnell

Members: Mairi Fitzsimons, Bryan Green, Justine Hart & Vicki Maughn (Secretary)


Chair: Alan Grant

Members: Katherine Gough, Claudia Duncan (Secretary), Anne-Marie Russell, Jill Herman & Margaret Robertson.

Top of the South

Chair: TBA

Members: Marsha Woodbury, Jana Bott, Ann Baker, Stuart Grant, Cherie Hooper & Rosemary Hargreaves


Chair: Jane Skipper

Members: Dallas Dagg (Secretary), Sarah Garland (Treasurer), Max Morrison, Leon Meier & Jane Lennon


Chair: Judith Lawton

Members: Philip Noye, Carole Bee (Secretary) & Hamish McDonald

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