
You can track your masterpoints and that of any other player.  If you register, you can see your latest Masterpoints on the Home page and in My NZB page.  Click on My Masterpoints to view your full list without having to enter your number or name


Purpose of Master Points Scheme

The purpose of scheme is to:

1.   Stimulate interest in duplicate bridge
2.   Provide a means of measuring and recording the achievements of the players of organised duplicate Bridge
3.   Provide NZBridge with a source of revenue to be used for the benefit of the game 


Covered in section E   see here


The calculation is currently completed as at 31 December each year and published online as soon as possible thereafter.

The new Rating Points and Gradings come into effect for the purpose of Tournament participation as soon as they are published on the NZ Bridge Website.

On-Line Master points

Masterpoints are available on-line and updated soon after the event is played, as we now have a "live" process to update results and Masterpoints. This started on the 5th September, 2017

Click on MY NZB tab view your own Masterpoints or CLICK HERE or the Search Masterpoints to search for others.

On-line reports include masterpoints received from clubs or Regions at the time of publication. If you are missing any club points, please advise your Club Masterpoint Secretary. If you are missing Tournament Points, please check with the club, as they may not have realised their results are not publishing.

Ranking Competition Results

Competitions have been set up to find the top ten ‘A’ point earners within each Ranking, split into male and female, during a calendar year. These results are updated on a monthly basis.

The Baden Wilson (for which there is a trophy) is for the top ‘A’ point earners in a calendar year based on points earned in New Zealand (Australian competitions do not count, therefore any awards from Australian competitions will be subtracted from the total at the conclusion of the calendar year).  

Australian Master points

 Australian Masterpoints are converted to NZ Masterpoints automatically on a monthly basis


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